We deliver to over 232 countries worldwide. Your order may be subjected to a delivery fee, depending on the delivery option you select.

The shipping times shown below are for Ready-To-Ship items that are available for immediate dispatch. Regarding Made-To-Order items, they are specially made according to a customer's specifications. The order process for custom Made-To-Order products takes 2 to 14 days give or take.

For Bahrain only if you purchase both Ready-To-Ship and Made-To-Order items we'll ship the Ready-To-Order items out immediately, depending on your selected Shipping Method. Whether you select Next Day or Same Day delivery you'll receive your Ready-To-Ship items first. When your Made-To-Order items are ready to ship we will notify you via email and ship it out accordingly.

For MENA and International orders both Ready-To-Ship and Made-To-Order items will be shipped together.

For more information please review our Order Processing page. If you have any inquiries please do not hesitate to send us a message through our Contact page. You can email us at customercare@x-essentials.com or send us a text via WhatsApp on +97338908880.

Prices on X ESSENTIALS may be subjected to import duties, taxes or both depending on the selected country of delivery.

Deliveries within Bahrain

Country Delivery Option Description Serviced by Cost
Custom Made-To-Order items takes 2 to 14 days. UBEX 2.000 BHD
Ready-To-Ship orders received after 10am will be delivered the next day.


For next day delivery, order by 5pm and you will receive your order the next day between 9am and 8pm.

For same day delivery, order by 8am and you will receive your order the same day.

Deliveries to MENA

We offer Express delivery to the following destinations within MENA, serviced by DHL our delivery partner. In some countries, you will have the opportunity to select a time slot for your convenience.

Country Delivery Option Serviced by 0 - 2 KG Cost 2.1 - 2.5 KG
UAE DHL Express MENA Delivery:
Receive your order
within 2-5 working days
DHL Express MENA 62 AED 83 AED
Saudi Arabia 63 SAR 85 SAR
Kuwait 5 KWD 7 KWD
Oman 6.5 OMR 8.7 OMR
Qatar 61 QAR 83 QAR
Jordan 12 JOD 16 JOD
Egypt 264 EGP 356 EGP
Lebanon 25,259 LBP 34,080 LBP

Deliveries to the Rest of World

We offer Express delivery to the following countries, serviced by our delivery partners. In some countries, you will have the opportunity to select a time slot for your convenience.

Country Delivery Option Serviced by 0 - 2 KG Cost 2.1 - 2.5 KG
Listed Below
(List of Countries)
DHL Express Worldwide
Receive your order
within 2-7 working days
DHL Express Worldwide 37 USD 65 USD
CA$49 CA$86
54 AU$ 97 AU$
28 GBP 50 GBP
33 EUR 60 EUR
CN¥254 CN¥452
283 HKD 504 HKD
List of Countries
Americas Europe Asia / Oceania Africa Middle East
Anguilla Albania Afghanistan Algeria Iraq
Anguilla Andorra American Samoa Angola Syria
Antigua Austria Armenia Benin Yemen,
Republic Of
Argentina Belarus Australia Botswana
Aruba Belgium Azerbaijan Burkina Faso
Bahamas Bosnia and
Bangladesh Burundi
Barbados Bulgaria Bhutan Cameroon
Belize Croatia Brunei Canary Islands, The
Bermuda Czech Republic Cambodia Cape Verde
Bolivia Denmark China Central African
Bonaire Estonia Commonwealth
North Mariana
Brazil Faroe Islands Cook Islands Comoros
Canada Finland Cyprus Congo
Cayman Islands France East Timor Congo, Democratic
Chile Germany Fiji Cote D'Ivoire
Colombia Gibraltar Georgia Djibouti
Costa Rica Greece Guam Egypt
Cuba Guernsey Hong Kong Eritrea
Curacao Hungary India Ethiopia
Dominica Iceland Indonesia Gabon
Dominican Republic Ireland,
Republic Of
Iran Gambia
Ecuador Italy Israel Ghana
El Salvador Jersey Japan Guinea Republic
Falkland Islands Kosovo Kazakhstan Guinea-Bissau
Greenland Latvia Kiribati Guinea-Equatorial
Grenada Lichtenstein Korea, Republic
Of (South Korea)
Guadeloupe Luxembourg Korea, The D.P.R.
Of (North Korea)
Guatemala Macedonia,
Republic Of
Kyrgyzstan Liberia
Guyana (British) Malta Lao People's
Democratic Republic
Guyana, French Moldova,
Republic Of
Macau Madagascar
Haiti Monaco Malaysia Malawi
Honduras Montenegro,
Republic Of
Maldives Mali
Jamaica Netherlands,
Marshall Islands Mauritania
Martinique Norway Micronesia,
Federated States
Mexico Poland Mongolia Mayotte
Montserrat Portugal Myanmar Morocco
Nevis Romania Nauru,
Republic Of
Nicaragua Russian
Federation, The
Nepal Namibia
Panama San Marino New Caledonia Niger
Paraguay Serbia,
Republic Of
New Zealand Nigeria
Peru Slovakia Niue Reunion, Island Of
Puerto Rico Slovenia Pakistan Rwanda
St. Barthelemy Spain Palau Saint Helena
St. Eustatius Sweden Papua New Guinea Sao Tome
and Principe
St. Kitts Switzerland Philippines, The Senegal
St. Lucia Ukraine Samoa Seychelles
St. Maarten United Kingdom Singapore Sierra Leone
St. Vincent Solomon Islands Somalia
Suriname Sri Lanka Somaliland, Republic
Of (North Somalia)
Trinidad and
Tahiti South Africa
Turks and Caicos Taiwan South Sudan
United States
Of America
Tajikistan Sudan
Uruguay Thailand Swaziland
Venezuela Tonga Tanzania
Virgin Islands
Turkey Togo
Virgin Islands (US) Tuvalu Tunisia
Uzbekistan Uganda
Vanuatu Zambia
Vietnam Zimbabwe