• Use the MAIN MENU button found at the top left corner of the page to browse through our collections and products.
  • Once you have found an item, choose your size and click on the 'ADD TO SHOPPING BAG' button on the product page.
  • Review the items in your shopping bag by clicking the 'SHOPPING BAG' link at the top right of the page.
  • Click on 'CHECKOUT' to complete your order.

You can shop at  X ESSENTIALS  without creating an account.

However, register with us and you'll be able to enjoy the following benefits

    • Track your orders and review past purchases
    • Save your address and card details so you can shop even quicker next time

Please be assured that we take data protection seriously, and your information will only be shared with third parties where they abide by applicable data protection legislation. For more information, please read our Privacy & Cookie Policy in full.

To re-set your password, follow the 'FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD?' instructions on the SIGN IN page. Please note, for security reasons we are unable to send your old password via email. You'll be redirected through email to reset your password.

We accept Visa, MasterCard and Benefit.

First-time orders must also be sent to the cardholder's billing address or work address. This process is not only for your security but so we can verify your details independently. To ensure that you don't experience any delays to your order, please make sure all your details are entered correctly. For more information read through our Payment page.

If you would prefer to place an order by WhatsApp, you can text our Personal Service team on +97338908880 or via email at

Automatically the website will choose your currency according to your geographic location. For more information, please read our Privacy & Cookie Policy in full.

You will be billed in BHD, Bahraini Dinar.

To change the currency, select the country link at the bottom right hand side of the screen, followed by your location from the drop down list.

X ESSENTIALS delivers to 232 locations worldwide, as listed below:

X   E S S E N T I A L S
List of Countries

Americas Europe Asia / Oceania Africa Middle East
Anguilla Albania Afghanistan Algeria Bahrain
Antigua Andorra American Samoa Angola Iraq
Argentina Austria Armenia Benin Jordan
Aruba Belarus Australia Botswana Kuwait
Bahamas Belgium Azerbaijan Burkina Faso Lebanon
Barbados Bosnia and
Bangladesh Burundi Oman
Belize Bulgaria Bhutan Cameroon Qatar
Bermuda Croatia Brunei Canary Islands, The Saudi Arabia
Bolivia Czech Republic Cambodia Cape Verde Syria
Bonaire Denmark China Central African
United Arab
Brazil Estonia Commonwealth
North Mariana
Chad Yemen,
Republic Of
Canada Faroe Islands Cook Islands Comoros
Cayman Islands Finland Cyprus Congo
Chile France East Timor Congo, Democratic
Colombia Germany Fiji Cote D'Ivoire
Costa Rica Gibraltar Georgia Djibouti
Cuba Greece Guam Egypt
Curacao Guernsey Hong Kong Eritrea
Dominica Hungary India Ethiopia
Dominican Republic Iceland Indonesia Gabon
Ecuador Ireland,
Republic Of
Iran Gambia
El Salvador Italy Israel Ghana
Falkland Islands Jersey Japan Guinea Republic
Greenland Kosovo Kazakhstan Guinea-Bissau
Grenada Latvia Kiribati Guinea-Equatorial
Guadeloupe Lichtenstein Korea, Republic
Of (South Korea)
Guatemala Luxembourg Korea, The D.P.R.
Of (North Korea)
Guyana (British) Macedonia,
Republic Of
Kyrgyzstan Liberia
Guyana (French) Malta Lao People's
Democratic Republic
Haiti Moldova,
Republic Of
Macau Madagascar
Honduras Monaco Malaysia Malawi
Jamaica Montenegro,
Republic Of
Maldives Mali
Martinique Netherlands,
Marshall Islands Mauritania
Mexico Norway Micronesia,
Federated States
Montserrat Poland Mongolia Mayotte
Nevis Portugal Myanmar Morocco
Nicaragua Romania Nauru,
Republic Of
Panama Russian
Federation, The
Nepal Namibia
Paraguay San Marino New Caledonia Niger
Peru Serbia,
Republic Of
New Zealand Nigeria
Puerto Rico Slovakia Niue Reunion, Island Of
St. Barthelemy Slovenia Pakistan Rwanda
St. Eustatius Spain Palau Saint Helena
St. Kitts Sweden Papua New Guinea Sao Tome
and Principe
St. Lucia Switzerland Philippines, The Senegal
St. Maarten Ukraine Samoa Seychelles
St. Vincent United Kingdom Singapore Sierra Leone
Suriname Solomon Islands Somalia
Trinidad and
Sri Lanka Somaliland, Republic
Of (North Somalia)
Turks and Caicos Tahiti South Africa
United States
Of America
Taiwan South Sudan
Uruguay Tajikistan Sudan
Venezuela Thailand Swaziland
Virgin Islands
Tonga Tanzania
Virgin Islands (US) Turkey Togo
Tuvalu Tunisia
Uzbekistan Uganda
Vanuatu Zambia
Vietnam Zimbabwe

Please note that we are unable to deliver to Post Office boxes, apart from in the following countries: Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. We do not deliver to forwarding addresses, which includes Aramex addresses.

For more information on delivery and shipping charges to your destination, view our Delivery options. 

If you live in Bahrain, you can enjoy flexible delivery options with our X ESSENTIALS Premier service. Six days a week, except Fridays.

  • Ready-to-Ship orders place your order before 10am for Same Day delivery between 10am-6pm. If you've placed your order between 11am-7pm you'll receive your purchases the Next Day between 9am-6pm.
  • Made-To-Order purchases are specially made according to a customer's specifications. The order process for custom Made-To-Order items takes 2-14 days in production.

You can also select a nominated day for delivery up to seven days in advance by contacting us. To find out more refer to our Delivery costs.

For Made-To-Order items purchases are final, you're able change the sizing within 24 hours from placing your purchase. For Ready-To-Ship orders before your purchases have been prepared for dispatch we can change the size or edit your billing and shipping details when your order status is under fulfillment status.

However, we are unable to combine orders or add pieces to an existing order once it has been placed.

If you need to make any amendments, please send a message to our Personal Service team via email at or message us through WhatsApp on +97338908880 for assistance.

Once your order has been dispatched, you will receive an email containing your air waybill number to track your package.

If you have registered, you can also follow the progress of your delivery by signing into your account and selecting My Account followed by Order Status.

We are currently not able to process returns or exchanges. Most of the products on the Website are Made-To-Order items. Which are specially made according to a customer's specifications. Purchases other than Made-To-Order pieces aren't eligible for returns either. Satisfaction is always a top priority and as such each query is addressed individually to the best of our ability.

Please feel free to address any additional questions you may have to a member of our Personal Service team by writing us an email at or send us a message via WhatsApp on +97338908880.

Contacting a member of our Personal Service team is easy. There are three ways of contact. You're able to leave us a message on our Contact page, send us an email at, or send us a text via WhatsApp on +97338908880.